Our Bait Products
Our Bait Products
Sea Harvest Seafood offers a diverse array of bait products. The list below are some of the products we offer. If you do not see what you need, please contact us so we can help.
Mackerel Whole: (Scomber Scombrus, Japonicus)
Bullet Tuna Whole: (Auxis rochei)
- Frames or heads
- 1/300, 2/400, 3/500, 4/600 &600
Herring: (Clupea harengus)
– Whole round all sizes
- Bulk carton or nude blocks
Redfish: (Sebastas Mentalla Or Marinus)
- Whole round – Frozen at sea & treated
- Heads only, FAS & treated
- Frames with heads attached
- Bulk blocks in cartons with poly liner or bags only
Monkfish: (Lophius)
- Heads only
- Bulk pack 100-800gram, 1/15kg cartons
Illex Squid (Argentinus & Iliecebrosus)
- Whole round various sizes: 80/120, 100/200, 200/300,
300+gram -
- Jigger & trawl caught; land & frozen at sea
Pacific Rockfish Frames: (Sebastes)
- Bulk pack 1/10 kgs cartons
Flounder & Sole: (Paralichthys dentatus & Solea solea)
- Various species: Whole Yellow Tail, Arrowtooth, Dover Sole, English Sole
- Sizes: 100-500 gram range
Whole Small Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
- Fresh or frozen
- Frames or heads only.
- Various block pack sizes
Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua)
- Heads or frames
- Bulk block pack
Atlantic Canada Whole Silver Sides (Menidia menidia)
- Bulk pack (Limited supply)
Atlantic Canada Whole Male Capelin (Mallotus villosus)
- Bulk 1/15 kgs cartons (Limited supply)
"Good things come to those who bait!"